WCARES Emergency Weather Net
In the event of severe weather, the WCARES Weather Net will be activated upon request by the county EOC. The controlled net is open to all Amateurs. All stations are asked to restrict reports to the information covered in the WCARES Severe Weather Reporting Guide to facilitate the net control operator and NWS Liason operator.
WCARES Weekly Radio Net
The WCARES net is held each Monday at 1900 CT through the linked repeater system. The net is a controlled net; all traffic and comments should be directed through the net control operator. The net is open to all Amateurs.
On the first net of each month, stations are asked to use alternative power if possible to communicate with the net as an exercise in emergency readiness.
On the third net of each month, an alternate frequency net will be held immediately afterwards.
On net Mondays, you can use check in to the net via Winlink (RF only) from 0700 to 1800 CT, by sending a Winlink message to WC4EOC@winlink.org, putting “net” as the subject, and your power source in the body of the message.
If you are in the repeater coverage area but need to check in via Echolink, please wait until the end of the net to do so. If you are not in the repeater coverage area, you may check in via Echolink near the beginning of the net.
The MTEARS net follows the WCARES net at 2000 CT each Monday. Check-ins are by county.
Tennessee Phone Nets (3.980 MHz)
Early Morning: Monday through Friday, 0540 to 0600 CT on 3.980 MHz
Morning (weekdays): Monday through Friday, starting 0645 CT on 3.980 MHz
Morning (holidays/weekends): Saturday, Sunday, & major holidays, starting 0800 CT on 3.980 MHz
Evening: Monday through Saturday, starting at 1830 CT on 3.980 MHz
CW Nets (HF)
Tennessee CW Net: Monday through Sunday, starting 1900 CT on 3.635 MHz
Tennessee Slow Speed CW Training Net: Monday through Sunday, starting 1930 CT on 3.682 MHz