Here are some Go Kits submitted by members to help you generate your own ideas:
- Dave, KI4PSR
From top to bottom: Signalink USB for Winmor, Byonics Tinytrack 4 for packet Winlink, Yaesu FT-8800 for VHF/UHF, ICOM 7000 for HF and backup VHF/UHF, LDG IT-100 tuner, Samlex SC 1235M power supply (35A). The entire kit is held together using metal brackets with a handle at the top.
2. Brian, KM4LHG
HF: Yaesu FT-450d (with LDG tuner)
VHF/UHF: Icom IC-208h
Power supply with 110v cable
14 Ah battery backup and battery charger
12v input to operate from any external 12V source
12v output to power another rig
Charging ports to charge an external 12V battery, my handheld radio, or my cell phone
Solar panels for charging battery 110VAC is unavailable
Storage areas for cables, clipboard, headphones, fuses, tools, and other equipment
LED lighting system for operating under low light conditions, cooling fan to circulate air
SignaLink TNC for WinLink and digital communications
Clocks showing UTC and local times
Housed in a nearly-indestructible waterproof Pelican case and can be wheeled almost anywhere
For antennas, Brian uses a Buddistick, a homebrewed linked dipole, a homebrewed multiband dipole (with slinkies as the loading coils), or a portable hexbeam.
3. David, WC4DA
Yaesu 857D HF/VHF/UHF, Yaesu 8900R 10, 6 ,2, meters & 70 cm, power supply, tuner, Signalink, Rigtalk, Rigrunner, ISOpwr, Furman power conditioner, speakers.
4. Jack, KA4OTB
Case: Three shelf SKB
Jetstream JTPSPS 28 amp power supply
LDG-AT-600 ProII Autotuner
SignaLink USB sound card
Yaesu FT-8800.
Kantronis KPC-9612+ tnc which provides both 1200 and 9600 baud capability
5. And while the following isn’t a member’s Go Kit, Gene, K4ARC, recommends that you look at this extremely well done kit:
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