Bunta Island On the Air – Fun DX-Pedition – Feb 15-17, 2013


Conductivity of Different Materials

Have you ever found yourself thinking that materials made mostly of copper would conduct electricity almost as well as copper? Well, think again….

Meet the Neighbors

Links to our Neighbors (Amateur Radio EmComm):

Bedford County
Davidson County
Dickson County
Montgomery County
Robertson County
Rutherford County
Sumner County
Wilson County Ham Radio Club

6 Meter Meteor Scatter QSO


5 Weeks – 41 Summits on the Air


What is ARES?

Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES)

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.


ARES Organization:

Williamson County Ares is part of  District 4 of the Tennessee section of the Delta Division of ARES.

Scott Gray, KD4VVC is the Emergency Coordinator of WCARES
Jim Humphrey, K4OFC is the District Emergency Coordinator
Keith Miller, N9DGK is the Section Manager


The Delta Division is made up of the Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee Sections

David Norris, K5UZ is the Director
Ed Hudgens, our very own WB4RHQ is the Vice Director


Radio at War – 1944

An excellent film brought to us by RCA (Radio Corporation of America), 1944. It is the story of two teenage brothers, both amateur radio operators, who joined the Navy during World War II, and shows how radio helped win the war. Thanks, Scott (KD4VVC), for making us aware of this film.


Monday Night WinLink Net

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Winlink Net is back.  In the subject line please put “net”, and in the message body put your power source.  The reason for that is that once per month, as you know, we do check-ins on the regular net with an emphasis on alternate power, and instead of sending out a reminder on those weeks it will be much easier if you simply include it in the message body each time that you check in so that it’ll be already be there and will be habit.

Winlink will now be allowed as a means to check into the regular Monday night net.  Anyone wishing to check into the regular Monday night net by way of Winlink should send an email to WC4EOC@winlink.org by way of RF only.  Telnet check-ins do not count, since it seems only logical that if it’s to be allowed to count as a check-in to the regular Monday night net, simply sending an email through the internet defeats the purpose of what the net is trying to accomplish.

Your message should be sent Monday after 7 a.m. and no later than 6 p.m. so that all stations using Winlink have the time to receive an acknowledgement and to get tabulated and passed on to whoever is the NCS for that night. 

Robin Patty

Fractal Antennas For Ham Radio

Presented by Jack Hill – W4KH – w4kh@nanniandjack.com

Fractal Geometry is a particularly difficult concept for many people to grasp… Many of you may have heard of “Mandelbrot Sets”, so named for, to quote Wikipedia: “Benoît B. Mandelbrot (20 November 1924 – 14 October 2010) a Polish-born, French and American mathematician, noted for developing a “theory of roughness” in nature and the field of fractal geometry to help prove it, which included coining the word “fractal”. He later discovered the Mandelbrot set of intricate, never-ending fractal shapes, named in his honor.

I invite the reader to “Google” Mandelbrot and become more familiar with his work and how he came to rely on graphic images to foster his understanding of math concepts…

For the really curious, make sure you have a good version of Java (https://www.java.com) and then Google for “online fractal generator” and make your own!

When it comes to Fractal antennas, the field is in its infancy, although cellular telephones have made prolific use of these small, broadband, and efficient antennas. Because of the complexity of building an antenna using repeating patterns whose angles, leg dimensions, and overall pattern must be precisely executed for optimum performance, fractal antennas have not yet made significant inroads into HF operation, especially the lower frequencies (longer wavelengths). That said, one example of a “simple” fractal antenna is the log-periodic, whose elements are scaled from back to front in a manner that allows continuous transmit and receive coverage for a wide slice of spectrum, for example from 7.0 MHz to 30 MHz. Take particular note of the first URL presented, as M0WWA from the UK has designed and built a 28 MHz (ten meter) fractal antenna with pretty good results.

I have put together some URLs that will get your curiosity up and let you explore. Follow other pages in the URLs and links to other pages… if these are not enough, remember Google is your friend!

M0WWA Fractal Antenna Designs


Wikipedia – Fractal Antenna


Fractal Geometry Panorama


Fractal Antennas


Fractal Antennas: Hype or Hope?


Fractal Antenna for ham radio bands : resource detail


Ham Radio: Old Technology Gets New Respect

Fox News recently did a feature on Ham Radio, which you can watch here:

http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2014/05/19/ham-radio-old-technology-gets-new-respect/? intcmp=features