As you read in a recent WCARES Notes, our EC Ed Hudgens, WB4RHQ had exciting news:
“The results are in the Dec QST and WCARES wound up 5th in the country with 26.7K points. The winner, not that it was a contest, had over 45K. The others were slightly above us.”
The December QST ( ) should be in your hands now and includes a summary of the scores starting on page 69 (the digital edition of QST and the ARRL Field Day Page at have the full listings.)
You can find a list of WCARES entries at under
Williamson County (TN) ARES
Try Sort by Club Name to seem them grouped togther and be sure to check out the Soapbox section to see comments and photographs from the day, including by our own Jeff, WB5WAJ!

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