July 2024 presentation – Antennas at the PSC

In this video, Cliff Batson takes the mystery out of the antennas and antenna routing at the Williamson County Public Safety Center… the HQ of WCARES.

Recorded on July 20th, 2024 after his presentation during the July 2024 WCARES monthly meeting.

WCARES Field Day 2024

2024 Field Day
June 22-23

3000 BrightStone Pkwy
Franklin, TN 37064
Click here to see the location on Google Maps

May 2024 presentation – Tornado Observing and Safety

In this presentation, Ron Howes (KD4MV) and Paul Havlik (WD9IOK) provide outstanding education on the lifecycle of tornados, examples of local tornados, cloud identification, and best practices for safe observation of tornados. Recorded during the WCARES monthly meeting on May 11th, 2024.

May 2024 presentation – Making YouTube Videos on a Shoestring Budget with Cliff, N4CCB

In this video, Cliff Batson (N4CCB) encourages you to start making YouTube videos with minimal equipment. You don’t have to make your videos Public, so there’s no reason not to get started experimenting with making videos.

Note that this is an expanded version of the presentation given on Saturday, May 12th during the WCARES monthly meeting.

Cliff shows you the gear you can use for less than $100 that will produce great results. A sample ham activation video is shown within this presentation.

Be sure to check out the links in the video description for the gear Cliff mentions.

April 2024 presentation – 10 Years of APRS Projects

In this video, Dallas Clements (K7DCC) reviews practical applications for APRS, reviews the many projects from his 10 years of experimenting with creating APRS stations, and potential new projects on the horizon.

Recorded during the WCARES.org monthly meeting in April, 2024

WCARES Field Day 2024

Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC / 1300 CDT Saturday and running through 2059 UTC / 1259 CDT Sunday.

Field Day 2024 is June 22-23.

For all the details please see this link.

Be sure to read the ARRL rules which you can find here along with everything else about Field Day here.


Fox Hunt, Saturday April 13th

Next Saturday, April 13. WCARES will be holding a fox hunt at Pinkerton Park near downtown Franklin. There will be numerous foxes to hunt and a window prize for the person or team who locates the foxes the quickest. We will begin promptly at 9am. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! If you have any questions, please reach out to me. Trey@numberstn.com.
Trey Spain – KI4ZIN


  • most likely parking will be the main parking lot off Highway 96
  • WCARES members will be monitoring the repeaters if you need information

Pinkerton Park details: https://visitfranklin.com/outdoor-adventures/pinkerton-park/
and for those new to Fox (transmitter) Hunts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmitter_hunting

March 2024 presentation – Bill Jorgensen, K4COM and the WCARES repeater system

Bill Jorgensen (K4COM), Williamson County Tennessee, Director of Public Safety, gives an extensive overview of the linked repeater system in use by the Williamson County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (WCARES) group. This linked repeater system consists of 5 repeaters that cover all of Williamson County.
History, technical details and more made for a great presentation.

February 2024 presentation – Weather Observation and Amateur Radio

Weather Observing & Your Ham Radio Hobby

Paul Havlik (WD9IOK) gave this comprehensive presentation during the monthly WCARES group meeting in February 2024.

Key Objectives of Paul’s Presentation:

– Share what it takes to be a good observer by being “weather aware”
– How to stay ahead of the storms and be ready when they arrive
– Typical weather spotting equipment
– Operating a safe indoor station
– Knowing what and how to report what you see or measure
– Resources for training and participating

Feb. 2024 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: Weather Observing and Amateur Radio

An excellent presentation at the February meeting by Paul, WD9IOK on safely reporting weather events as part of a local spotting network.

A PDF of Paul’s presentation is here:

Click to access Weather-Presentation-February-2024-Final-widescreen-Rev-2.pdf

Update See this link to watch the recording of the presentation.