NWS Radar and APRS in Google Earth

Today I was thinking about how great it would be if I could overlay National Weather Service alerts, radar, and APRS objects on top of Google Earth. After searching to find out if this is possible, I quickly found this great article from a fellow ham. I’m sure it will be of interest to many of you. Enjoy!





Below you’ll see a screenshot I took over Williamson County on the morning of July 22, 2015 as a storm is rolling through. You can see here that I was able to query the weather stations that are in our area to track rainfall levels, pressure, temperature, and wind speeds. If I needed information from people on the ground, I could look for mobile stations transmitting in the area and call them on the frequency that they listed in their APRS position report.

APRS and NWS in Williamson County Google Earth

Dallas Clements



APRS How-to Videos and Presentations

For the July 18, 2015 WCARES Chew and Chat, I put together several how-tos involving APRS. If you missed them, I’ve got them all listed below:


Receive APRS Messages for Unread Winlink Messages

If you use Winlink, this is a killer application of APRS. If you’re like me, you check in with Winlink once a week. Imagine driving in your car and your APRS rig alerted you mid week to the fact that you have unread Winlink messages waiting on you. As some of you know, you can send a message to WLNK-1 to find this out and even read those messages. However, this method requires no user interaction after the initial setup and will check your box every day you’re on APRS.

Send a Winlink Message through APRS

This brief video shows licensed amateur radio operators how to send Winlink messages through APRS. While this functionality is being demonstrated on a Yaesu FTM-400DR, any APRS rig capable of sending messages can perform this task.

I’ve clipped the periods between acknowledgements for time. Acknowledgements can vary from a few seconds to several minutes based on numerous factors. Your distance to the nearest RX/TX IGate is number one followed by network congestion.

Emails and Texts through APRS

This PowerPoint presentation covers just about all the ways you can send or receive emails or cell phone network texts through APRS.

Managing Winlink Via APRS

In my first two videos, you learned how to interact with Winlink through APRS. This PowerPoint presentation teaches you the rest of the functions available through APRSLink, the bridge between Winlink and APRS. While this was originally a PowerPoint, I converted it to a video in order to host it on YouTube. Size limitations on this site prevent me from uploading the original slides. Be prepared to hit pause if the slides advance too quickly.

Budget APRS Mapping Solution and Portable Battery Box

This is one of several “homemade” APRS rigs that I cobbled together over the last year. Since filming this several months back, I’ve moved on to an integrated rig for mobile APRS use (the Yaesu FTM-400DR), but I still use this battery box setup as part of an APRS base station for field work. In its current configuration, the smartphone has been swapped out for an inexpensive Windows 8.1 tablet (a Micro Center Winbook) running APRSISCE/32. With this full featured APRS client, I’m able to establish beacons for objects or events reported on the voice nets, assign tactical calls to objects (SAG 1, etc), Digipeat, and IGate as necessary. I will likely do a video on this newer setup down the line.


This page was created July 17, 2015. If you have any questions, I can be reached at my callsign @arrl.net.

If you like the videos and want to see more like them in the future, hit the like button on YouTube and leave your feedback in their comments section.

Dallas Clements


‘SOS,’ ‘CQD’ and the History of Maritime Distress Calls

” ‘SOS,’ ‘CQD’ and the History of Maritime Distress Calls”
by Neal McEwen, K5RW


You Got Your License. What’s Next?

It’s been really great getting to meet all of the new licensees and rag chewing on the repeater. A number of people have approached me to ask the question – “What’s next? How can I get more involved with WCARES?”

Here are a few points to set you on the right path.

Study The Website

There is a lot of great information on the website contributed by members. Spend an hour just surfing the site paying specific attention to the Members Only area.  If you’re new and having trouble accessing parts of the website please email webmaster@wcares.org.

Print and Read The Emergency Ops Plan

The emergency operations plan has been created to serve as the official WCARES plan of action when dealing with a disaster or emergency. There is a lot of great information about frequencies, policies and procedures that pertain directly to WCARES members and volunteers. It’s very important that you have a printed copy of this plan in the event that a disaster disrupts Internet service.

For members the document can be found here.

Check Into A Net

The WCARES net meets every Monday night at 7pm central. Listen in to the net and wait for the appropriate time to check-in. If you are an active member of WCARES your name should be called during the roster check-in. Alternatively there is an opportunity for anyone (member or non-member) to check in at various times.

Participate in Net Activities

Serving as shadow backup for net control will be a big help and also give you good training for net procedures. It’s very easy and very important to WCARES as an organization.  Once you’ve gotten your feet wet and put in some time as a shadow backup – you can step up and run your own net.

Further Your HAM Education

Remember that there are 3 license classes and if you’ve just gotten your Technician license then you still have an opportunity to get your General class license and your Amateur Extra class license.  There are dozens of highly experienced Elmer’s in WCARES that can help explain and offers hands on training in almost any area of amateur radio.

The Incident Command System

During an emergency WCARES will follow the Incident Command System. ICS was developed at the Federal level and is a set of procedures and rules that are necessary to create an effective chain of command and efficient flow of communication from the man on the ground to the top level decision makers.

It’s suggested that all WCARES members begin by passing ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700 and ICS-800 before moving on to other components of ICS study.  Proof of a passing grade in all four of these ICS courses will be required for certain activities within WCARES.  These classes are free and available online only.

Volunteer For WCARES Activities

Throughout the year there are dozens of volunteer opportunities that are fun and effective in honing your skills as a radio operator.

  • Field Day – A 24 hour exercise which involves the entire country and gives you an opportunity to go hands on in a high-paced communication simulation.
  • Races – There are numerous foot and bike races that give you an opportunity to be in a fixed location or mobile in a vehicle.  You will be assigned a position and a specific set of criteria for the communications that you will pass to net control.
  • Organizational Activities – you can help with Chew & Chats, severe weather watches, on the antenna team, mobile installation team or one of many WCARES “pods” that are helpful in the local community.

Check the website calendar to see a list of upcoming events that you can volunteer for.

Become A SkyWarn Trained Weather Spotter

SkyWarn is a group of over 20,000 trained weather watchers that are educated on what qualifies weather as severe and how to communicate with local responders and become a helpful member of the weather spotting community.  In middle Tennessee we are subject to seasonal thunderstorms frequently activate a severe weather net.  SkyWarn training is essential in being an effective member of the local weather response community.

In Closing

Being an active WCARES member can be very rewarding on many levels. Investing just a little time and energy will yield high rewards in knowledge and friendship as you gain responsibilities within the organization.

-KJ4YJG ( kj4yjg@wcares.org )

Future Cell Phones Will Make Emergency Calls Even When the Network Goes Down

See the Scientific American article here.

Disable The 8800 Internet Beep For Good

Tired of accidentally engaging your Yaesu FT-8800 Internet and broadcasting it’s tone to the whole repeater community?  Well – so are we.  But don’t fret, now there’s an easy way to disengage that annoying beep once and for all.

You can follow the instructions in this pdf.

Yahoo Group – Middle TN ARES

From our Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator for Middle Tennessee, Paul, N4AAN:

“I have been thinking of ways to further enhance communication among ARES membership in Middle Tennessee.  Toward that goal, I have created a Yahoo group,


The group is open to all ARES members in Middle Tennessee.  To join send an E-mail to:  midtennares-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or visit the website.  I hope you all choose to join.  It is an excellent tool for keeping informed and for expressing ideas.”

W4PHS WinLink Presentation

Phil Sherod, W4PHS delivers a fantastic introduction into WinLink at WCARES University

The Future of Shortwave Broadcasting

The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) Special Committee on the Future of Shortwave Broadcasting foresees a dim outlook for the medium. The Committee in 2014 released its assessment of the current and projected use of shortwave radio as a platform for programming by US international media.

“United States international media must optimize delivery by audience/market,” one main finding concluded. “While there is still a critical need for shortwave in key countries, it is a medium of marginal and continuously declining impact in most markets.” The report said that even in countries where shortwave radio will enjoys significant usage levels, “audiences will migrate to other platforms as they become more accessible.”
Among other things, the Committee reviewed audience-based research, including analysis of user experiences and user choices, as well as opportunities and limits of the medium. It also examined “the characteristics and listening experience of shortwave users in the BBG’s target markets, the use of shortwave radio by the BBG’s networks, the networks’ relative success in reaching their target audiences through shortwave, and the costs of operating the BBG’s shortwave transmitting facilities.”
The panel recommended that the Broadcasting Board of Governors take “an aggressive approach to reduce or eliminate shortwave broadcasts where there is either minimal audience reach or the audience is not a target audience based on the BBG’s support of US foreign policy.”
The report said that its evidence suggested that declining use of shortwave radio is primarily due to the availability of high-quality content on “preferred platforms” such as AM and FM radio, podcasts, and mobile streaming, which are more widely used for audio consumption.
The committee found that shortwave use does not increase during times of crisis. “Audiences continue to use their existing platforms (TV, FM, and the Internet) or seek out anti-censorship tools, including online firewall circumvention, private chat software, flash drives, and DVDs to access content,” the report said.
The report also said that shortwave radio was “a relatively expensive platform to operate and maintain” and that digital shortwave radio (ie, Digital Radio Mondiale or DRM) “is unlikely to become an established mass media distribution methodology in enough of the BBG’s current or future markets to justify the costs.”
The committee said it largely supports the reductions in shortwave radio broadcasts previously approved by the Board. Those include recent cutbacks in a number of Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and Radio Free Asia broadcasts. But, the committee added that given the current situation in Ukraine and nearby states with significant Russian-speaking populations, it recommended that the BBG revise its fiscal year 2014 operating plan to ensure that “shortwave broadcasts in Russian to Russia and the Caucasus be continued at current levels, subject to re-evaluation during FY16 budget formulation processes.”

News Collection

Links to News from Ham Websites:

ARRL news

QRZ news

eHam.net news

AMSAT news

SMeter news

NASA news

FCC news