No Siren Monitoring until further notice.

Just a reminder that we will not be monitoring the Williamson Co. siren tests until further notice.

From Ed Hudgens, WB4RHQ:

The EMA is in the process of reworking the system, and until that is completed we will not be checking the sirens. – Ed

Siren Test Monitoring

A reminder that today, Saturday, March 7th at 1PM, county sirens will be tested. All members are asked to sign up to monitor and report on this test. Please refer to the WCARES Notes e-mail you received last week:

Please consider participating in the monthly county siren test <...> at 1 pm on the 7th. The County EMA has requested our assistance as they restart the county siren tests. These tests will be conducted every month on the 1st Saturday at 1:00 pm.

and refer to the link in that e-mail to sign up to participate, even if you had signed up previously.