WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting – 2nd Saturday due to Huntsville

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting – POTA Adventuring

POTA Adventuring by Jeff, WB5WAJ
This will be a show-and-tell of equipment and antennas to get us on the air for your next POTA activation.

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

June 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: Field Day, HamDash and digital troubleshooting

Paul KM4PT discussed Field Day and along with Cliff N4CCB introduced the group to HamDash:

Troubleshooting Digital Modes
Hoop K9QJS presents a framework for solving problems with digital modes… which can encompass operating system, soundcard, transceiver, and software issues.

If you’ve ever had your system working perfectly only to have it fail for some mysterious reason, this presentation is for you!

A PDF of his presentation is available here and the video is here (Recorded on June 17th, 2023 at the monthly WCARES meeting):

Jan 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: FSQ Digital, What I like about WCARES

Hoop K9QJS discussed FSQ Digital – “Fast Simple QSO”:

Click to access FSQ_20230121_k.pdf

Our EC, Jeff KC1DWP presented his thoughts about what makes WCARES special:

Click to access WCARES-Presentation-for-21-Jan-2023V8.pdf

May 2023 WCARES Monthly Meeting – In-Person & Zoom

Fox Hunting
Tim AD4CJ’s May 13, 2023, presentation on Ham Radio Fox Hunting.
A copy of the presentation is also available as a PDF here.



Apr 2023 WCARES Monthly Meeting – In-Person & Zoom

Situation Awareness & Tactical Communications

Kevin Fitch (K4KCF) is a volunteer wildland firefighter. Situational Awareness & Tactical Communications is vitally important in this environment. In his presentation, Kevin gives ham radio operators some things to consider as we train for our role as emergency communicators.

Off-Center Fed Antennas

Ted Edwards (W3TB) gives a detailed presentation of the properties of a multi-band off-center fed dipole antenna. The antenna described is only 68 feet long, but covers the 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m amateur radio bands.