January 2022 Virtual Monthly Meeting: Solar Power for HAMs and Understanding NVIS
Solar Power for Hams presented by Tim, AD4CJ
Understanding NVIS from Paul Denisowski, KO4LZ of Rohde & Schwarz
Solar Power for Hams presented by Tim, AD4CJ
Understanding NVIS from Paul Denisowski, KO4LZ of Rohde & Schwarz
Happy New Year greetings to all WCARES members –
As most of you already know, Ed Hudgens stepped down as Emergency Coordinator at the end of 2021. Thank you, Ed, for the great job you did during the last two years. Your leadership was much appreciated.
Beginning today, I took on the role of EC with a few thoughts I am passing on for your consideration:
We will discuss these topics and more at upcoming monthly meetings. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or wish to share thoughts and ideas on the above comments or any other matters relevant to our organization.
I look forward to working with every one of you in the coming year!
Jeff Standifer
Just a reminder that we will not be monitoring the Williamson Co. siren tests until further notice.
From Ed Hudgens, WB4RHQ:
The EMA is in the process of reworking the system, and until that is completed we will not be checking the sirens. – Ed
During the September 18th WCARES monthly meeting, Todd Horton (Director of the Williamson County EMA) gave a fantastic presentation.
His PowerPoint title slide asked, “What is Emergency Management?”
Todd provided a thorough answer and went well beyond this to include the structure of the Williamson County EMA, their vision, their capabilities, facilities, and much more.
The August 2021 WCARES Monthly Meeting was in-person at the EOC.
Mobile HF Contesting: Jim Hall (AD4EB) shows how much planning, preparation, and dedication is required to participate at a world-class level of performance.
Tim Kreth, AD4CJ presented an ARRL video on RF Exposure and how to do the calculations and previewed a new ARRL calculation web page that should make the process easier.
Here are some related links:
ARRL Now Provides Free RF Exposure Calculator
RF Exposure Rules – ARRL video
ARRL RF Exposure information and resources page
Another WCARES Field Day is in the books. After a long period of only virtual events we were able to enjoy a limited in-person Field Day at the EOC in addition to members operating at home or in the field.
The pictures were provided by Josh N4CSV, Robert KA5WMF, Doug W4DML, Cliff N4CCB and Phil W4PHS.
(Buy/Sell/Trade ham gear)
On Sunday, July 11th at Noon, we’ll host a tailgate event at the Ag Center.
While we’ve been given permission to use the upper parking lot from Noon until 6:00pm, tailgate events are often wrapped up within an hour or two. So, get there as early as you can.
Those wishing to de-clutter their shack by selling a few things should bring their own table(s).
This event is still six weeks away, but mark your calendars and start looking around to see if you have any gear you might want to part with.
You can find more details about the Ag Center here:
(This event is also listed on the Event Calender)
and here is a map showing the entrance to and location of the upper parking lot:
The June 2021 WCARES Monthly Meeting was in-person at the EOC.
Cliff Batson (N4CCB) gave a presentation on the final plan for the WCARES Field Day 2021 event:
and Jack Cox (KA4OTB) gave a tour of the Auxiliary Communications room inside the Williamson County Public Safety Center:
Field Day initial discussion
With six weeks until Field Day 2021, it’s too soon to have a comprehensive presentation… but it’s not too early to begin making Field Day plans. This video gives viewers an overview of Field Day and presents a list of things to consider when planning their Field Day event. A more thorough presentation will be made during the June 2021 WCARES monthly meeting.
WSPR Experiment
In this video, Rob, KN4RHI experiments with WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter) with his HCLW-20* antenna.
*Highly Compromised Long Wire antenna is Rob’s tongue-in-cheek designation of this makeshift antenna located only 10′ off the ground.
Virtual Shack Tour
Paul, KM4PT takes us on a virtual tour of his ham shack and also shares his love of portable ops.
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