SNOTA! in Henry Horton State Park – Updated with HAMRS map

Jeffs Standifer WB5WAJ and Schwartz KC1DWP operating POTA in the snow at Henry Horton State Park.
They made 25 contacts on a frosty and bright sunny day.  See the HAMRS map below the photos.

SNOTA (POTA in Henry Horton State Park - map from HAMRS)
SNOTA contacts (POTA in Henry Horton State Park – map from HAMRS)

WCARES Winter Field Day 2024 – Updated

Updated – Paul has published the guidelines for this years WCARES Winter Field Day event here – be sure to read through this for all the details including schedule, rules, location, logging etc.:

From Paul, KM4PT

Reminder that the last full weekend in January (27 & 28) is Winter Field Day. You can go online to and pull up the 2024 regulations.

The sign-up sheet is available at this link.

This year we will be operating from the Williamson County (Robert A Ring) Soccer Complex, West Fields. Paul, KM4PT will have more details soon so check this posting.

Dec. 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: FRS, GMRS and DMR

Two very good presentations at the December meeting.

GMRS Radio
In this video, Gary Kantner (W9GMK) describes FRS and GMRS radio services that are available to everyone with no FCC-testing required. You do, however, need to register with the FCC for a callsign to use with GMRS… the more powerful service of the two. This video was recorded during the WCARES monthly meeting held on December 16th, 2023.

Will Daughtrey (KO4DNR) provides an overview of DMR (Digital Mobile Radio). This video was recorded during the WCARES monthly meeting held on December 16th, 2023.

Santa Net 2023

Santa Claus is coming! … To a receiver near you.

This year the Santa Net will be once again be soaring through the skies of Middle Tennessee. Each year Tony, KF4KFQ, presents the “Santa Net” bringing Santa across Middle Tennessee. Amateur radio operators will be able to contact Santa during his rounds on the 146.415 simplex and simulcast on 446.415 simplex.

For those heading out of the area or for our non-ham listeners, the Santa Net will be simulcast on YouTube and on Facebook Live. Just go to: or via Facebook Live (See Below)

The Santa Net will begin at 7 PM CST on December 24th (Christmas Eve, of course) and will continue as long as traffic holds. In addition to QSO’s with old Saint Nick there will be skits and readings of traditional Christmas favorites.

Sometimes a great introduction to ham radio that entertains the younger set is to let them speak to Santa on the air. Hams are invited to allow 3rd Party traffic to talk to Santa, as well as, provide reports of Santa Sightings and other items of interest on Christmas Eve.


To join the Santa Net Facebook Live Session:

For Facebook users; You will receive a link in the notifications section of your FB page. Click that link to access the Santa Net.

Additionally, those wanting to make the Santa Net extra special for a little one that will be listening that night, email information about the child to:

Please include Santa Net In the subject line.

Include the following:

  • Child’s Name (a phonetic pronunciation if the name is difficult)
  • Child’s Gender (Santa got burned on this one year)
  • A general neighborhood where they are.
  • And any other information that Santa should know that will make the evening special for the child. For example, Teacher’s name(s) … Pet Name(s) … Elf’s Name (If using Elf-On-A-Shelf) … etc.
  • Item(s) that you KNOW the child is receiving for Christmas.

If desired, I can also provide Elf-On-A-Shelf reports before Christmas that I will return as an audio file to your email address. Just send an email and the above information to the address above. Please put “Elf Report” in the subject line.

Portable Ops December 5th, 2023

Photos from Cliff, N4CCB

Skywarn Recognition Day 2023 Operating Event

The Skywarn Recognition Day 2023 Operating Event is Saturday, December 2nd. The ARRL News contains a link to the NOAA website giving operating procedures, participant registration forms, maps, the logging sheet and other details:

K4OHX will be activated with 2 operating positions – HF and a VHF/UHF station that will be manned for 24 hours. Stations may also operate from home – register yourself on the NWS SRD Map with your location as a Skywarn Spotter. If you’d like to sign up to work a shift at the NWS Nashville office, please do so here:

Nov. 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: NVIS Antennas

In this video, Ted Edwards (W3TB) explains what NVIS antennas are used for and how to deploy them. From a presentation to the WCARES monthly meeting in November, 2023.

October 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: Communication without Infrastructure – Winlink

Communication Without Infrastructure – Winlink
Phil Sherrod, W4PHS

Sept. 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: WCARES & the ARRL and the Jim Creek Naval Station Antenna

WCARES and how it fits within the ARRL Field Organization
Ed Hudgens, WB4RHQ

Jim Creek Naval Station Antenna
Scott Yates, N4BBB

Siren Test Monitoring is back starting this Saturday.

The GIS team at the Williamson County EMA have put together an updated Siren Test Monitoring system. This system will look familiar to some of you and is now ready to be used.

We will restart the monthly siren test monitoring this coming Saturday, November 4th at 1PM local and you can find these and future events on the WCARES event calendar.

There will typically be an announcement on the WCARES repeaters at noon (an hour before the siren test) to confirm whether the testing is going ahead or has been cancelled for that day.

Update: The siren test is on for today (Saturday Nov 4, 2023) – there is still time to sign up to monitor one of the sirens. Go to the Events calendar and click on the “SIREN TEST MONITORING” event.