July 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: POTA – Parks On The Air

Parks On The Air

w/ Jeff Standifer (WB5WAJ)

Jeff Standifer (WB5WAJ) provides an excellent overview of the Parks On The Air program. Jeff is a long-time POTA participant and shares his experience with those who may want to give POTA a try.

Recorded on July 15th, 2023 at the monthly WCARES meeting.

Portable Ops August 2023 – Liberty Park

Portable Ops music at Liberty Park, August 8 2023.

Important: Commercial Interests Petition FCC for High Power ( 20 kW ) Allocation on Shortwave Spectrum

The ARRL has highlighted a recent petition by commercial interests for high power ( 20 kW ) data transmission in bands across 2 – 25 MHz and immediately adjacent to spectrum allocated to amateur radio (20 kW, frequency agility techniques across 2-25 MHz with a potential maximum bandwidth of 50 kHz.)

From the petition (RM-11593) and the ARRL page, the petitioners appear to represent high-speed stock trading interests.

The main FCC page for this petition is here:


and the PDF of the petition is here:


The ARRL Legal Counsel David Siddal and the ARRL Lab are preparing the League’s response to this petition. It should be filed next week.

Comments on this filing are due by July 31, 2023 and reply comments by August 15.

Please read the petition and consider filing thoughtful comments before July 31.

Some of the more interesting comments already filed include:


WCARES Field Day 2023 & Tape Measure Yagi build photos

WCARES Field Day 2023 – Update 2 HamDash, 2nd SSB, GOTA, Tape Measure YAGI

Update 2  – be sure to check out the introduction to HamDash in Paul’s June Monthly Meeting video.

Update – we have added:

  • a second SSB station so there are additional time slots available and
  • a GOTA station so bring your family and friends.

And: Build an antenna for Fox Hunting June 24th

During Field Day, at the Public Safety Center. Dave Matthews (KI4PSR) will be hosting a “Tape Measure Yagi” antenna-building exercise. Tape-measure Yagi antennas are great for Fox Hunting events. If you would like to participate in this kit build please get in touch with Dave.

Dave will have kits for the first dozen participants. The cost is anticipated to be around $28 for the parts. Please bring cash to pay Dave for the parts.

The Antennas will be great to have for the upcoming WCARES Fox Hunt later this year. Fox hunt participants do not need to be licensed to the antennas as it is a receive-only event. So this is a great way to get kids, XLS, XYLS and friends to participate.

Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC / 1300 CDT Saturday and running through 2059 UTC / 1259 CDT Sunday.

Field Day 2023 is June 24-25.

Again this year, we will be operating from the EOC for SSB and CW or your QTH or other designated location for any Digital mode in order to minimize interference on the bands.

And again we’ll use the aggregate scoring as WCARES-TN.

For all the details please read the WCARES Field Day Rules for 2023 which you can find here. This document includes the link to sign up for an operator slot or slots! at the EOC for CW and/or SSB.

Be sure to also read the ARRL new rules which you can find here along with everything else about Field Day here.

June 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: Field Day, HamDash and digital troubleshooting

Paul KM4PT discussed Field Day and along with Cliff N4CCB introduced the group to HamDash:

Troubleshooting Digital Modes
Hoop K9QJS presents a framework for solving problems with digital modes… which can encompass operating system, soundcard, transceiver, and software issues.

If you’ve ever had your system working perfectly only to have it fail for some mysterious reason, this presentation is for you!

A PDF of his presentation is available here and the video is here (Recorded on June 17th, 2023 at the monthly WCARES meeting):

Jan 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: FSQ Digital, What I like about WCARES

Hoop K9QJS discussed FSQ Digital – “Fast Simple QSO”:

Click to access FSQ_20230121_k.pdf

Our EC, Jeff KC1DWP presented his thoughts about what makes WCARES special:

Click to access WCARES-Presentation-for-21-Jan-2023V8.pdf

May 2023 WCARES Monthly Meeting – In-Person & Zoom

Fox Hunting
Tim AD4CJ’s May 13, 2023, presentation on Ham Radio Fox Hunting.
A copy of the presentation is also available as a PDF here.



Apr 2023 WCARES Monthly Meeting – In-Person & Zoom

Situation Awareness & Tactical Communications

Kevin Fitch (K4KCF) is a volunteer wildland firefighter. Situational Awareness & Tactical Communications is vitally important in this environment. In his presentation, Kevin gives ham radio operators some things to consider as we train for our role as emergency communicators.

Off-Center Fed Antennas

Ted Edwards (W3TB) gives a detailed presentation of the properties of a multi-band off-center fed dipole antenna. The antenna described is only 68 feet long, but covers the 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m amateur radio bands.

Mar. 2023 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting:

Paul Havlik (WD9IOK) thoroughly discusses RFI, how it affects you (and others!), and what can be done to reduce or eliminate it. Recorded during the WCARES monthly meeting on March 18th, 2023.