February 2024 presentation – Weather Observation and Amateur Radio

Weather Observing & Your Ham Radio Hobby

Paul Havlik (WD9IOK) gave this comprehensive presentation during the monthly WCARES group meeting in February 2024.

Key Objectives of Paul’s Presentation:

– Share what it takes to be a good observer by being “weather aware”
– How to stay ahead of the storms and be ready when they arrive
– Typical weather spotting equipment
– Operating a safe indoor station
– Knowing what and how to report what you see or measure
– Resources for training and participating

Feb. 2024 In-Person & Virtual Monthly Meeting: Weather Observing and Amateur Radio

An excellent presentation at the February meeting by Paul, WD9IOK on safely reporting weather events as part of a local spotting network.

A PDF of Paul’s presentation is here:

Click to access Weather-Presentation-February-2024-Final-widescreen-Rev-2.pdf

Update See this link to watch the recording of the presentation.

WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.


Beginning with our November monthly meeting, we have discontinued use of ZOOM during our meetings. We are not going to be routinely broadcasting our meeting. The December meeting will be an in-person meeting.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.


Beginning with our November monthly meeting, we have discontinued use of ZOOM during our meetings. We are not going to be routinely broadcasting our meeting. The December meeting will be an in-person meeting.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting – 2nd Saturday due to Hamfest

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.

WCARES Monthly Meeting – 2nd Saturday due to Hamvention

The WCARES Monthly Meeting takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month with the possible exceptions of May (Hamvention) or August (Huntsville Hamfest) in which case it is held on the 2nd Saturday to allow members to attend those events.

We meet at the Williamson County Public Safety Building, located at:

304 Beasley Drive in Franklin, TN.

You can also take part in these meetings using Zoom. Look for the meeting information in the WCARES Notes e-mails.

Meeting starts at 8AM in the EOC.  Members periodically give presentations covering a wide range topics including emergency communications,  propagation and antennas, operating techniques and best-practices, kit building, hardware and software, Winlink, weather, ARRL, new modes and more.  Upcoming events are also discussed.

Meet other WCARES members and learn more about WCARES and Amateur Radio.